DeepSign: Deep Learning For Automatic Malware Signature Generation And Classification

April 27, 2023

This the summary and discussion for the paper DeepSign: Deep learning for automatic malware signature generation and classification by Omid E. David and Nathan S. Netanyahu.


  • YARA Rules can be used to identify specific malware based on patterns of the a file

  • YARA rules are typically used to identify malware when they are initially discovered by anti-virus companies since adding them to a training dataset takes a lot of time

  • Are we able to identify new variants of the same malware?

    • YES that is what this paper gets into
  • 160,000 - 360,000 new malware files are generated everyday, and most conventional signature techniques fails to identify new variants of these malware files

  • This paper tries to answer the question whether it is possible to develop a signature to represent a behavior that is invariant to small changes?

Background Knowledge

Deep Belief Neural Networks

  • Composed of unsupervised networks like Restricted Boltzmann

Machines (RBMs)

  • RBMs are two layer networks, each layer is trained and then its weights are freezed
  • Output from one RBM layer is input to the next

Denoising AutoEncoders

  • Trained to predict original uncorrupted data (will receive corruppted data)
    • classic example is noising MINST data

Generating signatures for malware files

  1. Run each malware file in a sandbox and obtain the log file
  2. Parse the log and convert it into a binary bit string (1-gram) -> this is input to the neural network
  3. Train a DAE by training one layer at a time
  4. Test to see how well signatures represent malware using a supervised classification technique
  • When getting the 1-grams, remove the logs that appear in every single file (does not reveal any new information)

  • Select the top 200,000 unigrams

  • For the DAE, noise is added, and then provided to the model as input -> noise here represents any variations to the malware files

  • 1800 malware files (1200 for train, 600 for test), Kaspersky was used for ground truth labels

  • 30 unique signatures were generated for these files

  • Trained SVM and KNN leading to pretty good accuracy; a Neural Network was also trained for the classification leading to an event greater accuracy


  • Where in the pipeline would we put this?

    • Since we need to make use of dynamic analysis here, this would be placed at the end of the pipeline, just after the malware detector
    • likely would be utilized for files that are not scored with high confidence as malware since it is VERY expensive to run dynamic analysis compared to static analysis
  • Why not use signatures for both static features and dynamic features?

    • Dynamic analysis shows you what is actually happening when you execute a file - obviously you will not be running this on a user's machine
  • Is this approach about generalization?

    • NO, you are intentionally biasing the dataset (they kept the dataset fairly small here!) so you can identify specific malware!
    • There are many different malware families, each have their own behaviors
  • There are SOME generalization made here. For example the C:\\ path will change from system to system, in some systems it will be D:\\, etc.

  • Unigrams are able to capture small variations

  • Why use this approach? Pipeline is utilized to generalized, and then you go fine grained if required. Can use this as an oracle for drift detection

  • What will happen if there is a new class of malware introduced?

    • Probably not detected using a machine learning model -> can be classified as unknown class of malware or goodware
    • Analyst will need to confirm the new class of malwares
    • Typically will use outlier detection to catch new classes
  • What has greater level of drift, new variations or new classes?

    • there is greater level of concept drift with new variations of malware files
    • it is much more simpler to create static drift then dynamic drift, since at the end of the day behaviors of new variants have the same behavior when ran dynamically; statically the way it is presented can be different
  • How can we fool a dynamic analysis approach?

    • Include many malware variants in one file so fool the system, such that it is unable to classify a specific malware class, or it provides one label where there can be many
    • mix in malware in between goodware functions
    • have distributed malwares
  • What is the difference between YARA rules and the approach proposed in this paper?

    • YARA makes use of static analysis, this paper uses dyanamic analysis to create signatures
    • YARA rules are limited to a specific variant, whereas dynamic is very broad
  • ML can be applied to things which are changing often

  • signatures can be used for API functions

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Written by Sidharth Baveja
Master of Computer Science Student at Texas A&M
Send me an email if you would like to get in touch: sidharthbav at gmail dot com