Adversarial Machine Learning in Image Classification: A Survey Toward the Defender’s Perspective

March 30, 2023

The following is the summary and discussion of the paper Adversarial Machine Learning in Image Classification: A Survey Toward the Defender’s Perspective, by Machado et. al.


  • It is quite easy to fool machine learning models built for image classification by perturbing an image. Models will often suffer from the Clever Hans affect.

Taxonomy of Adversarial Images (Perturbations)

  • Scope:

    • Individual: Crafting a perturbation for each specific image
    • General/Universe Scope: Perturbations are generated without considering a specific input - this is more realistic and done more frequently
  • Visibility:

    • Optimal: Not noticeable by the human eye, but classifier is confident about the incorrect prediction
    • Indistinguishable: Not noticeable by the human eye and unable to evade the model
    • Visible: Able to be spotted by humans and can fool the model
    • Physical: Added to real world object (for example stop signs, traffic lights in the case of self driving applications)
    • Fooling Images: Humans are unable to tell what the image represents, but a model will have high confidence regarding the classification of the image
    • Noise: non-malicious perturbations applied to the image, image is misclassified
  • Measurement: Can apply the L0, L1, L2, L(infinity) norm to measure the difference between the original and perturbed image

Taxonomy of Attacks

  • A threat model explains how a defense (AV) is designed to protect against specific attacks

  • Attackers Knowledge: White, Black, Grey Box Attacks

  • Attacker Influence:

    • Poisoning Attacks: attacks attempts influence the training process of a model by corrupting the training data with mislabels to deviate the model behavior
    • Evasive Attacks: Attacker will create adversarial samples that can evade the ML model. Typically attackers will create a surrogate model (greybox attacks)
  • Attack Specificity:

    • Targeted Attacks: Attackers will create adversarial samples specific to an AV/machine learning model such that the sample is classified into a specific class
    • Untargeted attacks: Attack wants to evade the model; they want the AV to mislabel their adverse sample
  • Attack computation:

    • Iterative: Have a high computation cost (such as the Genetic algorithm approach we saw previously), but it probably more query efficient (less likely to be detected by the AVs)
    • Single Step: Apply gradient ascent approach, developing perturbations based on gradient. Typically need to apply a large change in the original malware sample. This approach is typically less effective, but has a much lower computational cost
  • Security Violations

    • Availability violation: Any attack that affects the model's usability, leading to a denial of service.
    • Integrity: Occurs when an a sample is able to evade a model; the model is still able to detect other samples, but unable to specifically detect adverse samples
    • Privacy: Attackers attempt to gain knowledge about the model (the architecture, the training/validation data, etc.)
  • Different approaches to Attacking:

    • Gradient Attacks: Typically done in a white box setting, using the gradient of the model to perform gradient ascent - not very realistic to do
    • Score Based Attacks: Develop a surrogate model to develop perturbations - black/greybox approach - this is more realistic
    • Decision Based: Develop small perturbations at a time using rejections sampling
    • Approximation Attacks: Attempt to mimic the model output by using differentiable functions and apply a gradient based attack using this approach

Attacking Algorithms (there are many, here are a few covered in the presentation)

  • Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) - low computational cost, creates a large perturbation, BUT most of the time it does not evade the model
  • Basic Iterative Method: Iterative approach of FGSM - perturbations are generated in much smaller steps - upper bound is also set on the perturbations
  • Deep Fool - Find the closest decision boundary and perturb the image so that it can cross that boundary
  • Carlini and Wagner Attack (CW Attack): Optimization algorithm to minimize the L2 difference between the original and perturbed image BUT also generates an image that can fool the classifier

Taxonomy of Defense

  • Proactive or Reactive:

    • Proactive: Developing robust classifiers against adversarial attacks
    • Reactive: Develop specific models to detect malicious images, etc.
  • Gradient Masking:

    • Develop a defensive model that has a smooth gradient - will result in attackers having to perform a greater number of queries against the model
    • There are many approaches a defender can use:
      • Vanishing Gradient - Use a deep NN to have an extremely small gradient
      • Shattered Gradient - Introduce steps that are not differentiable
      • Adversarial Training
      • Defensive Distillation: Train a model to output softlabels, then train a second model to predict these soft labels - this model will have a smooth gradient
  • Some other Defensive Approaches:

    • Develop a model to distinguish between adversarial and real samples
    • Compute the distributions of legitimate and adversarial images
    • Preprocess images
    • Ensemble of Models
    • Proximity Measurements: Check that the output label of a model matches similar labels (follows same "path" in a Neural Network)

Why are Adversarial Samples able to bypass Models?

  • Model lacks generalization
  • Models are linear due to activation functions in Deep Neural Networks, thus they are able to be exploited by attackers easily.
  • Boundary Tilting: Adversarial samples are generated by perturbing legitimate samples until they cross the boundary
  • High dimensional data is very complex, thus models are vulnerable regardless of training techniques.
  • Training Dataset is not representative
  • Extracted Features are not robust, can be easily exploited by attackers


  • Why are we looking at malware detection from the image domain perspective?

    • A lot of knowledge from other domains can be transferred to domains, that at initial glance do not seem to apply. Obviously there is not a "direct" mapping from one domain to the other, BUT there is loads of knowledge transfer
  • The Brazil army is the one who released this paper? Why is this information in public view now?

    • The work that they are doing now is not classified - likely they have developed methods to deter from these attacks (defense), and likely have come up with attacks the evade systems.
  • What is missing from this paper: Explainable AI - The presenter talks about some of their research regarding the usage of explainable AI in network security.

    • Able to check if the predicted outcome is aligned with model behavior/response
    • Can utilize the Shapley outcome which provides scores of which features are positively/negatively contributing to an outcome. If the Shapley score is low AKA low credibility from the main model, then we can rely on a secondary model for the result. This is a reactive approach.
  • Is having a smooth gradient good or bad?

    • A smooth gradient allows you to hide information about the gradient. Smoother gradients mean that an attacker will need to perform a greater number of queries against a model to learn about it.
    • Moving target defense is also good, since it forces an attacker
  • Bagging model can also be applied as defensive technique

  • Unlike in malware domain, we can perform physical attacks in image domain. For example for self driving cars, we can cover up stop sizes, modify traffic lights, etc.

  • Can apply SQL injection attack (license plate)

  • Can perform a physical attack in the facial recognition domain by wearing a mask, makeup, etc - which is related to security domain as well.

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Written by Sidharth Baveja
Master of Computer Science Student at Texas A&M
Send me an email if you would like to get in touch: sidharthbav at gmail dot com